Thursday, September 12, 2013

5 September - Fort Augustus to Edinburgh

We were up fairly early today, considering the night that we had with Crazy Carol last night and the amount of laughing that Jeff and I did.  I think there may have been more than just jasmine incense in the sticks she was burning to keep the midgies away last night.  I also forgot to mention her wee dog that was my buddy for the night.....about 125 pound Rottweiler named Finley.  For those that might want to know how crazy Crazy Carol is, remind me to tell you a couple of stories.  Anyway....full Scottish breakfast this morning, pack up the car, give Carol a big hug and off we went, headed for Edinburgh via Glencoe and Balquahidder.

Bacon, sausages, black pudding, mushrooms, grilled tomatoes, hash browns and eggs

We were on our way this morning to visit the King's House Hotel in Glencoe.  It's actually in the middle of nowhere with nothing but streams and mountains and plains around it....but I digress.  On our way, we passed a loch which was offering up beautiful reflections so we stopped for some photos.

Gin and Annette doing a bit of dancing for the camera

What a great day and so far, a great trip!

Along the shores of Loch Lochy

Look at how still the water was....a PERFECT day in Scotland!

Old boat houses on the loch

Off to find King's House Hotel.  Built in the 17th century, Kings House is believed to be one of Scotland’s oldest licensed inns. The building was used after the Battle of Culloden (1745), as a barracks for troops of George III, hence the name Kings House. It was the task to keep the Highlanders under subjection and to capture their elusive champion Bonnie Prince Charlie.  It was an interesting place....again a place to visit as suggested by our daughter Kirsten.  She came across this place while hiking across Scotland this past spring.

We stopped and I hiked out to find this stream....and was eaten alive by midgies (a mosquito)

We finally made it!

The bar for proper guests (the Cocktail Bar) and for dirty hikers (the Climber's Bar)

Inside, we decided to have a know, to support the local economy.

One of the deer out front at King's House

From here it was on to Balquhidder to visit Rob Roy's grave site and to find the OTHER King's House and stop there for lunch.  It was a one lane road to Robert Roy MacGregor's grave....and a windy one at that.  It was nice to arrive and get out for a stretch.

This is not a lie

Rob Roy, his wife and two sons are all buried here

Goofing around....

A quiet bench

The second King's House wasn't as nice as the first, although lunch was good (and so were the pints of ale)

King's House #2

Red phone booth at the corner

From here it was home to Edinburgh.  Annette offered to stop at various places along the way, but a drive by shot out the window of Sterling Castle was good enough.  It was a great few days up the Western coast, but there was much more to do in the upcoming days!

Dinner tonight at The Brig (walking distance from the Dickson's).  I'll update more in the next few days.....our time is running out here in Scotland, but we'll pack in as much as we can in the next few days!  Until tomorrow - cheers!

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